It has been a super cold winter for everyone! The news is full of reports almost daily of a new Arctic Blast or Breeze or something else that may or may not sound like an ice cream treat from a fast food joint. So I was driving home from the morning commute in my neck of the great state of Texas. We don't get a lot of snow or ice here and everyone makes fun of us for closing schools and getting emergency supplies when we get 1 inch of frozen precipitation. If our panic brings you joy, then go ahead and get a nice chuckle. But that's not the reason for my post. Nope, not really talking about the snow, or ice or judgement of all the transplants here. Nope! This post is about LOVE! You see after driving home and getting within about 2-3 miles of my house, I had to stop for gas. Ugh! Right?! I mean it's 20 degrees out there, and me without scarf or gloves, because let's face it, I don't normally need them.
I pull into the local gas station and at the pump in front of me is a man with slightly greying temples, and a flair for sweatpants to rival my own. As I exit the car we greet each other with the standard, "It's so Cold!" and my desire for a magical gas tank that automatically refills when it's freezing or below outside. So I swipe my card, and start to pump my gas. I'm looking at the traffic and the school bus/honda wreck that is being investigated by both the police and school district. A minute or two later I hear the man's gas nozzle click, signaling the full tank. He closed the gas cap into place, replaces the nozzle, gets his receipt then knocks on the driver's side window. (now I'm intrigued) The window rolls down, and he says "Okay, Baby! You're all set." He leans into the SUV, and gives a smacking kiss. Then I hear the reply! "Thanks, Daddy! I love you!". Then the SUV drives away to whatever local school his daughter was going to. He then walks across the snow covered concrete, gets into his sedan and drives away.
I was touched by this seemingly inconsequential scene. He'd driven to the gas station to pump the gas for his daughter so she wouldn't have to stand out in the cold. He'd told her he loved her with his heart and actions, and she'd done the same with her words. It was sweet really. And I find that if we look. Really look, we'll find these types of poignant moments all around us. We just have to want to see them then they'll be everywhere we look. And then, if we honor those moments, we may find they are happening more and more often to us. We may be able to see how often we are being shown love and kindness.
I left the gas station with a caffeine fix, chocolate, a full tank and a happier spirit due to the love of a father for his daughter. Makes you think about the love a certain Father has for all His Children.
Have a Blessed day, and look for LOVE all around you!

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