Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Love Potion

Yep! Fame and fortune are surely only a swallow away when Dr Sylvie Fontaine discovers a chemical formula guaranteed to attract the opposite sex. Though her own love life is purely hypothetical, the shy chemist's professional future is soon as she can find a human guinea pig.

The only problem is the wrong man has swallowed Sylvie's love potion. Bad boy Lucien LeDeux is more than she can handle even before he's dosed with the Jelly Bean Fix. The wildly virile lawyer is the last person she'd choose to subject to the scientific method.

When the dust settles, Sylvie and Luc have the answers to some burning questions--Can a man die of testosterone overload? Can a straight-laced female lose every single one of her inhibitions?--and they learn that old-fashioned romance is still the best catalyst for love.

I enjoyed this book a lot! Sandra Hill has a knack for writing believable characters who have issues as well as humor. I love feeling their history and seeing how it affects their decisions! I love the humor, and the fun secondary characters. Tante Lulu and Samson & Delilah! The book was fast paced for me, and I couldn't put it down. The Love scenes were Hot! I personally prefer warm, but it was ok with me, cuz they weren't every few pages. (That's just me!) I can't wait to read the rest of these Cajuns!!


Marg said...

I loved this book when I read it awhile ago. I liked the rest of the series, but some of the jokes got a bit old. All of the men were hot though!

Carpoolqueen (formerly known as Beth) said...

Yea, I know what you mean. And I was a little uncomfortable with Tee-John being 10 or 11 and being soo sexual! Ya know! But anyway, it's fiction, so I'll allow for poetic license. But I love the brothers!! mmm-mm-mmm!